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Appointment Process


The Vermont Commission on Women (VCW) is currently recruiting for three Commissioner openings.

Do you live in Vermont? Do you care about your community? Are you committed to actively and visibly working to reduce discrimination and increase opportunities for women in Vermont? If you answered yes to all three of these questions, we would like to hear from you!

  • We are especially interested in finding Commissioners from Bennington, Caledonia, Essex, Grand Isle, Orange, and Windham Counties.
  • Everyone is encouraged to apply: black, indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC), people from working-class backgrounds, people with disabilities, men, young people, and LGBTQIA2S+ people.
  • Commissioners are expected to attend and participate in regular meetings and community outreach engagements, collaborating with other Commissioners, staff, and community members virtually and in-person to make Vermont inclusive, equitable, and welcoming.
  • Commissioners qualify for compensation and mileage reimbursement.

If interested in learning more, please contact Cary Brown: And remember, even if you don’t think you meet these criteria, but you are interested in learning more, please reach out:


VCW is made up of 16 commissioners, who are each appointed by either the Governor or the General Assembly. Commissioners are appointed as follows:

  • 8 appointed by the Governor
  • 4 appointed by the Speaker of the House
  • 4 appointed by the Senate Committee on Committees

No more than 2 of the members appointed by the General Assembly (House or Senate) may be current legislators. If a chamber appoints two legislators, they cannot be from the same political party. No more than four legislators may serve on the Commission at one time.

Commissioners serve four-year terms. The terms are staggered, with four expiring each June 30. In the event that a commissioner is appointed to fill a seat that has been vacated mid-term, that person serves out the remainder of the original term.
The VCW statute indicates that “members of the commission shall be drawn from throughout the state and from diverse racial, ethnic, religious, age, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic backgrounds, and shall have had experience working toward the improvement of the status of women in society.”  Aside from the above-noted limitations by political affiliation and status as current legislators, there are no restrictions on who can serve as a commissioner.  We would characterize the most important requirement for serving on the Commission as a commitment to actively and visibly be working to reduce discrimination and increase opportunities for women in Vermont. 


Our typical meeting time is on the second Friday of the month from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., usually in Montpelier, and we generally don’t meet in July and August.

Some of the key things commissioners are expected to do are:

  •     Attend commission meetings regularly and be prepared to actively participate in discussions and contribute to the direction and policies of the Commission
  •     Serve on at least one committee
  •     Understand, support, and represent the positions and policies of the commission to the public 
  •     Promote the Commission by being available to speak to groups and the media, distribute Commission and other related materials, help host and attend Commission-related events 
  •     Network with other organizations and serve as a liaison between the Commission, your region, and the state

Commissioners are entitled to per diem compensation and reimbursement for travel and other expenses as permitted under 32 V.S.A. §1010.


Decisions about appointments are made solely by the appointing authorities. We are happy to pass along names and applications to them if you contact us here, or you may apply directly.

Governor Phil Scott
Please apply through the link on the Governor’s website:

Speaker of the House Jill Krowinski
Please send a resume and a letter of interest (which includes your political party affiliation, or if appropriate, that you are independent) to:
Office of the Speaker
115 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05633

Senate Committee on Committees, Lieutenant Governor David E. Zuckerman
Please send a resume and a letter of interest (which includes your political party affiliation, or if appropriate, that you are independent) to:
Office of the Lt. Governor
115 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05633