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Cary Brown: Equal Pay Day 2023

This commentary is by Cary Brown of Montpelier, Vermont, the Executive Director of the Vermont Commission on Women.


Every spring, a day comes around known as Equal Pay Day (or as we at the Vermont Commission on Women often like to refer to it, “UNequal Pay Day”). This is a symbolic day chosen to represent the point in the year to which women need to work in order to earn as much money as men earned the previous year.

The Privatization of Medicare | League of Women Voters of Vermont

On Thursday, March 30 Dr. Marvin Malek, past president of Vermont Physicians for a National Health Program (VT PNHP), will give a presentation on the privatization of Medicare.  The program, sponsored by the LWVVT, will take place at 1:00 pm, at the Barre Area Senior Center, 131 South Main Street, Barre.  Dr. Malek will discuss Medicare Advantage, DCEs and the new ACO/REACH program.  The event is cosponsored by VT PNHP, Vermont Health Care for All, Vermont State Employees' Association, and Vermont Workers' Center. 

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