Online public forum: The Future of Incarceration for Women in Vermont
The Vermont Commission on Women and our partners join together on Thursday, November 10, 2022 from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. to host an online, public forum about the future of incarceration for women in Vermont. This discussion is specifically intended for those who are not currently in the legislature or working for the Department of Corrections, and will provide opportunities to:
- Voice the questions and concerns of those outside of DOC who are working most closely with incarcerated women
The Future of Incarceration for Women in Vermont online public forum
The Vermont Commission on Women and our partners join together on Thursday, November 10, 2022, from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Policy Priorities of Vermont Students
Vermont Works for Women's Women Can Do career exploration conference returned in person to Vermont Technical College in Randolph this year! Over 260 high school students from 12 of the 14 counties in Vermont spent the day exploring STEM and trades careers through hands-on activities and getting to know Vermont professionals, employers, and organizations.
We love staffing a table at this event because a: the Women Can Do energy and enthusiasm is contagious, and b: it's a chance to listen to and learn from students!
VCW’s Monthly Business Meeting 11/22
Find the agenda for this meeting and more information on our Meetings page.