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Foster Care in Vermont & Barre's New Clothing Closet

As families prepare for going back to school, remember the children and youth who are in foster care. While it's a hectic time for everyone, it can be particularly unsettling for children and youth who are not able to return to their birth or adoptive families.  The Department for Children and Families seeks Vermonters to step forward and offer foster, kin, or occasional respite care.

H.619: Child Care Costs Deductible for Candidates

Cary Brown, executive director of the Vermont Commission on Women, said the bill would not only benefit women candidates who historically have had to bear the brunt of child-rearing responsibilities. 

“That is one of the teeny little tiny steps we can take to shift the culture a little bit,” Brown said, referring to the adoption of the bill. “So the expectation is that parents are equally taking care of children and it’s not falling disproportionately on women.”

As the Covid-19 economic crisis unfolds, Vermont women stand to be hit hardest

This VtDigger piece by Elizabeth Gribkoff looks at the impact for women owned business, workers on the frontline, and in some of the sectors hardest hit by the COVID-19.

VCW’s Cary Brown is quoted: “We know where women are starting, which is that more of them are concentrated in low wage jobs, more of them are tipped workers.”

Read the piece here.

In VSC debate, center on equity and access | VTDigger Commentary by Cary Brown

As Vermont moves forward with reimagining the future of its educational system, now is the time to center the principles of equity and access at the very core of that process. The VSC is already providing significant access to education and training for a wide range of fields, including high-wage, high-demand jobs that the Vermont economy needs. Consistently, the VSC has shown impressive innovation and creativity in broadening its reach around the state through partnerships, distance learning, and satellite locations.

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