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Wendy Knight: Vermont needs to rebuild an equitable economy

This commentary is by Wendy Knight, a member of the Vermont Commission on Women, a board member of the Vermont Outdoor Business Alliance, deputy  commissioner of Liquor and Lottery, and former commissioner of the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development. 

In November 2020, I was appointed by Gov. Scott to serve a four-year term on the Vermont Commission on Women, an independent, nonpartisan state commission focused on the advancement of Vermont women and girls. 

Leaders for Equity & #EqualPay (LEEP) Toolkit: June 8th Lunch Hour Launch Event

Join Change The Story VT, our partnership initiative with Vermont Works for Women, and the Vermont Women's Fund for the launch of the innovative new Leaders for Equity and Equal Pay (LEEP) Toolkit Tuesday, June 8th, noon to 1:00 PM.

The LEEP Toolkit is an easy-to-use, free-to-you resource crafted by experts in the field, to ensure gender and racial pay equity at your organization.

Over the past year, the Change The Story VT initiative partnered with Sadowski Consulting Services and seven Vermont employers to develop the LEEP Toolkit. The LEEP Toolkit includes:

March 9th is Equal Pay Day for Asian American & Pacific Islander Women | New Podcast Launched

The Vermont Commission on Women (VCW) joins organizations nationwide in drawing attention to Equal Pay Day each year.  Equal Pay Day symbolizes how far into this year women must work to catch up to what the average white non-Hispanic man earned in the previous year.

The Commission is premiering a new video podcast series, the first of which launches today, March 9th, Equal Pay Day for Asian American and Pacific Islander women. 

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