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Vermont Commission on Women Issues Statement Regarding Federal Immigration Policy

(Montpelier, VT) - The Vermont Commission on Women voted on June 28, 2018, to issue the following statement:

“The Vermont Commission on Women supports the joint resolution passed by the Vermont Senate and House condemning the recently reversed federal policy of separating children from their families at the southern international border, expressing a profound hope that the family separation policy will not be reinstated, and imploring the Department of Homeland Security to reunite the separated families immediately.”

Listening Project Seeks Public Input to Guide the Work of the Vermont Commission On Women

(Montpelier) – The Vermont Commission on Women (VCW) has launched a short survey called the Listening Project, designed to help them focus their future work on issues that matter to Vermonters. The survey asks what needs aren’t being met for Vermont women, what most affects their abilities to provide for themselves or their families, and what can be done to help.

Legislative Update 2018

The 2017-2018 Session of the Vermont General Assembly adjourned on May 24th, 2018. Below, you’ll find a roundup of legislation of interest to or particularly impacting women. If you’d like to refresh your memory about the legislation passed in 2017 during the first half of the biennium, read last year’s legislative update here.

New Videos Explain VT Law Protecting Pregnant Workers

Pregnant workers in Vermont have new legal protections in the workplace this year. As of January 1, 2018, employees experiencing healthy, uncomplicated pregnancies and needing reasonable workplace accommodations, such as rest breaks, a stool to lean or sit on, more frequent bathroom breaks, not lifting over a certain weight, flexible scheduling, or time off for medical appointments, are protected when making those requests, and unless they impose an undue hardship, employers must grant them.

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