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Public Hearing | Reproductive Liberty Amendment (Prop 5)

The Reproductive Liberty Amendment (RLA) to the Vermont Constitution has passed in the Vermont Senate twice, in April 2019 and in April 2021, and in the Vermont House once in May 2019. The House will vote again soon. If the House passes the RLA again, Vermont voters will decide whether to adopt the Amendment on Election Day in November of this year.

On Wednesday, January 26th from 6:00 - 8:00 pm, the House Committee on Human Services will hold a public hearing.

UN)Equal Pay Day Podcast Series

VCW launched a series of podcast conversations in 2021, continuing our decades-long practice of drawing Vermonter’s attention to the gender wage gap by marking Equal Pay Day. 

Our plans expanded beyond exclusively highlighting “all women’s” Equal Pay Day and we focused on multiple widely recognized Equal Pay Days throughout the year. 

Latina (Un)Equal Pay Podcast Conversation Released by Vermont Commission on Women

(Montpelier) - The Vermont Commission on Women has just released Latina (Un)Equal Pay, the fifth in a series of podcast conversations examining the ways sexism, racism, homophobia, and ableism intersect, creating much larger wage gaps for women of color, women living with disabilities, and members of our LGBTQ+ community.

“Vermont is the only state to have not yet elected a woman to serve in Congress, a fact the nonpartisan Vermont Commission on Women has lamented.” - Jack Thurston, NECN

"Vermont should never be last in something like this again," Lisa Senecal insisted in August 2020. Senecal co-chairs the (VT) commission (on Women), which works to advance opportunities for women and girls. "Women's voices are important," Senecal said in that interview.

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