VCW Adopts New Transgender Individuals Policy Statement
On June 21, 2023, the Vermont Commission on Women (VCW) voted to adopt a policy statement that supports transgender individuals in various ways.
Developed by the Commission’s Health Equity Committee, the policy states:
Health Equity Committee | VCW
Find more information. VCW committee meetings are open to the public. If you'd like to join us, would like the meeting link, or have any questions please contact our staff.
Meeting duration: 1 hour.
VCW Business Meeting | September 2023
This meeting will be held in-person at the Vermont Network Against Domestic & Sexual Violence in Waterbury with a virtual option.
Find the agenda for this meeting and more information on our Meetings page.
VCW Special Public Business Meeting
Find the agenda for this meeting and more information on our Meetings page.
Vermont's New Adoption Law

Starting July 1, 2023, Vermont’s new adoption law will allow adopted persons 18 and over (and their direct descendants) to get:
Their original birth certificate — if they were born in Vermont.