The Vermont Commission on Women is traveling to Bennington, and you’re invited!
VCW will be hosting a public forum on Friday, April 19th, 2024 at 12 – 1pm in person at the Vermont Department of Health, Community Room, 324 Main Street in Bennington, with a virtual option.
Participation is open to everyone, and registration is not required. However, if you are interested in joining, we encourage you to reach out by email, VCW.info@vermont.gov to RSVP. VCW is committed to making these forums as accessible as possible. Snacks and drinks will be provided. For individuals who cannot attend in person, the forum will be on Zoom.
In addition to traveling to Bennington, VCW will be in Brattleboro in May and St. Albans in June. View the details of the full schedule here.